Do foreigners like to place orders to trading companies or factory?
If you were him, who would you choose?
Let's see what the foreigner says first?
Q: Should I tell that I am a trader for the first time when dealing with customers ?
德国Fesco贸易公司CEO Frank:这个问题很敏感也很重要。可能很多客户更愿意和工厂合作,其实贸易商也可以提供很好的服务。我从很多中国供应商采购产品,有两家是贸易公司。为什么客户不愿意从贸易公司采购?因为他们不想付佣金。第二,他们认为工厂可以更好地控制生产、质量和交货期。
CEO Frank from Fesco trading corporation of Germany:The issue is sensitive and important.Many customers may prefer to cooperate with the factory, but traders can provide good service as well.I purchase products from many Chinese suppliers, two of which are trading companies.Why are customers reluctant to buy from trading companies? The reason is that they don't want to pay commission.Second, they believe that factories can control production, quality and delivery time better.
2. 问:作为贸易公司,我最能够打动买家的地方是什么?
Q: what is the best aspect to impress buyers as a trading company?
德国Fesco贸易公司CEO Frank:作为贸易公司,在欧洲存在着很重要的价值。财务便利能提供最好的服务。如果我不能提供贷款,就没法做生意。另外MOQ很重要,然而很多工厂都设置了很高的MOQ。作为贸易商还应拥有能提供多种类的产品选择(BROARD RANGE OF PRODUCTS)、严格真实的质量控制等。
CEO Frank from Fesco trading corporation of Germany: As a trading company, we have a very important value in Europe.And Financial convenience provides the best service. I can't do business if I can't make a loan.Besides,MOQ is very important,but many factories have high MOQ.As traders, we should also have the ability to provide many kinds of product selection(BROARD RANGE OF PRODUCTS), strict real quality control and so on.
3. 问:我来自一家小的贸易公司,选择做什么样的产品更有前途?
Q: What products do we choose to make more profits even though we are a small trading company?
德国Fesco贸易公司CEO Frank:作为一个贸易公司,你必须找一些有创新的产品。创新意味着至少你的价格会更灵活。如果你的产品过于简单,利润很低,那就很难在欧洲有生存空间。
CEO Frank from Fesco trading corporation of Germany: You have to find some innovative products as a trading company. Innovation means that your price will be more flexible at least. It's hard to have a living space in Europe if your product is too simple and low profit.
4. 问:我们是贸易公司,没有自己的工厂,似乎买家都不喜欢我们。请问怎么办?
Q: It seems that buyers don't like us as we are trading companies without our own factories,what should we do ?
德国Fesco贸易公司CEO Frank:我不会单纯因为对方不是工厂而不选择他。我如果没有选择你,一定是因为其他的原因。我合作的贸易公司给我提供非常棒的服务,如最小起定量。贸易公司还有很厉害的仓储服务。我的时间很宝贵,所以我愿意为快速高效交货而多付一些钱。
CEO Frank from Fesco trading corporation of Germany: If we didn't choose you, it must be for other reason. The trading company that we cooperate provides us with excellent service, such as minimum quantity.Meanwhile,it also has great warehousing services. My time is precious, so I am willing to pay more for fast and efficient delivery.
5. 问:在采购商的眼中,工厂比起外贸公司,是不是更有优势呢?
Q:Does the factory have an advantage over foreign trade companies in the eyes of purchasers?
Sophia,Purchasing manager from Canada: It mainly depends on three aspects:
Price: sometimes factory offers are more competitive. The advantage of the foreign trade company is that they can stock up a batch of orders and give it to a factory at once, thus foreign trade company can get a cheaper price. then also split and distributed the goods to each customer.
Quality: The factory can control the product quality in the first time. And foreign trade company can thoroughly implement more strict product control system, guarantee product quality to achieve World-class standards.
Communication skills: The foreign trade company has accumulated rich experience in Communication skills, its ability of comprehension and the process of foreign trade operation were superior to the factory as well as more closely contact with foreign.
6. 问:您作为采购商,会下单给像我们这样的小工厂吗?
Q: would you place an order as a buyer for a small factory like us ?
加拿大采购经理Sophia:小供应商可能更富有创造力,你必须要有特别之处,比如非常准确的交货期(excellent delivery)、流程检测(process check)等。
Sophia,Purchasing manager from Canada:Small supplier may be more creative and you have to be specific, such as excellent delivery、 process check and so on.
Whether or not to buy is not your choice but the buyer's. No matter big or small company, it must ensure that foreign trade personnel is excellent in English.
7. 问:我们是贸易公司,我们出售了产品给买家,当时工厂表示质保只有2年,但产品在1年左右的时间出问题了,应该由谁负责?
Q: We are trading companies and have sold the products to the buyers.the factory said that the warranty was only 2 years then,but the product has been in trouble for about 1 year. Who should be responsible for it?
Marco, general manager of the Swiss promotional gift purchase company (Shanghai) :
You should tell the buyer what you can and cannot provide.Pay attention to details and clear responsibility in quality assurance contract.Don't make too much concession and requirement ,you should seek truth from facts.
8. 问:南欧市场是我们的目标市场,但是许多买家都不讲英语的。我们可以去找英国的贸易公司,通过英国将产品出口到南欧去吗?
Q: The southern European market is our target market, but many buyers don't speak English. Can we go to the British trading company and export our products to southern Europe?
Dominic, purchasing manager of German kitchen appliance company: It is recommended that you look for local trading companies,for example,if you want to do business with the Spanish market,you should look for Spanish trading company.Otherwise,although it is smooth to communicate with British trading companies, they have no Spanish orders on hand and have the same difficulties to explore the surrounding market as well.
9. 问:在你们挑选供应商的时候,报价是考评中最重要的因素吗?
Q: when you choose your suppliers, offer is the most important factor in the review?
Sophia,Purchasing manager from Canada: Any factor may be considered a competitive advantage in international trade. Every buyer wants to buy a good quality product at a low price.Buyers can also accept the price increases in the case of a big improvement in product quality.